Saturday, December 19, 2009

Here's the Deal...

Here's the deal, I am ambitious...I have big goals and grand ideas...and I fickle out. I do. I don't really like that I do it, but I do. My intentions are good, I just get lost in the excitement. So here's the "walk of shame" I must do...but here's my New Year's resolutions from last year...and my progress...or lack of.

Strong Mind:
  • Some sort of teacher education training/class/book. ahhhh...well, maybe. I read a preschool curriculum book I got from Fox for one of my classes that I never read then...but look at it now to do things with Noah...does that count?
  • Read 1 book a month. Not every month, but I have definitely read more then 12 books this year...even though half of them were in Hawaii...
  • Read to the boys I can't say daily. Some days we read 10 books, most nights I read the boys a book at bedtime...but not daily. Noah is much easier to read to then Jakey.
Strong Body:
  • Lose my last few pounds (15) by March 8th (my b-day) and maintain for the rest of my life! Woo hoo!!! Yeah, did that one...oh wait, then I gained back 25 pounds. Does that count? NO, and that's all I'm saying about this one.
  • Work out 5 days a week to keep healthy bones, muscles, organs to be able to live long and thrive! I probably averaged four...but still good! Working out, even though I've gained weight has always been consistent.
  • Focus on eating healthy in order to preserve my health long term. Hmmm...I think I can say yes...even though there are some not-so-good days...
Strong Spirit:
  • Fall in LOVE with Jesus! I want Him to be my best friend and for me to fully rely and trust in Him! Man! I still don't feel that passionate relationship with him. But I grown closer to Him over the past year as he leads us through life.
  • Take on some sort of leadership role at church...maybe something in children's ministry? We did for a few months, but it was just too hard on us actually going to church...two services was too much for us with the boys and being cranky, we didn't get to go to church, just volunteer.
  • Spend time daily praying for my children and family. I wish I could say yes, I feel like this would really impact our lives.
  • Allow God to change my heart to have a cheerful and giving heart towards my family. YES! I can say that God has changed my heart, and I am yearning to be home with my kids and love on them all day long:)
Strong Relationships:
  • Build relationships with new friends from church/family friends. We LOVE our lifegroup and could not have asked for better friends. We also have some good friends at the club I love chatting and playing with. What a blessing!
  • Spend time investing in other people's on myself and teaching my children to give as well. Hmmm...I think I give a lot of myself to others. I started my volleyball Bible study, which was great. I think that volleyball is really one of my ministry areas...I know I'm having a positive influence on many lives.
  • Spend time weekly investing in Andrew and our relationship. We do get to spend time together often, but I still think we have a long ways to go!
Here's just a few more random ones:
  • Have Noah fully potty-trained by January 31st. Check!
  • Teach the boys the importance of being active daily and nourishing their healthy bodies. Check!
  • Pay cash for a new car. Check!
  • Save enough money to buy all our new furniture and decorate our new home with cash. Check! Although I still would like a few more things...
  • Put pictures in all my scrapbook pages. No. Progress has been made, but I still have 4 drawers full of empty pages...
  • Finish nursing to make it a whole year (April 1st) No, but to give myself a little credit I had mastitis a million times, and the doctor told me I had to stop nursing, I think I made it 11 months? I don't really remember now, but it was a lot longer then Noah!
  • Do something bigger then just our family...something to help others in the world. We started those foster care classes, and even though we stopped, I really feel that heavy on my heart. I meet kids, talk to other foster parents, hear songs, see things on tv...I am yearning to help some of those children in need, I know we will make a difference in kids lives, I just need to be patient until the time is right for our family.
Not a complete failure, but still some work to do. I think my New Years goal for this next year is this: To follow the Lord's leading in all areas of my life. can I go wrong here? I know that he will only take me to higher places in all areas of my life if I can fully rely on Him.

As I was looking back over old posts tonight, it's so fun to see the documentation of our life. Thanks for reading and being there with me! I started this blog to keep everyone out of town updated, but I think I love it now for more then that. I feel like it's an outlet for me, a way to express myself, but also to brag on my guys a little, and let the world see a little piece of who we are. Here's to another year!

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