Friday, August 21, 2009

Something to Blog About...

I just finished with camp last night...what an awesome week with such fun people! I'm so excited about this season. We had a special, but emotional night last night with one of our players passing away, and of course got me thinking again about what really matters. I have been home so much this summer with my kids and loved it, though when I think about all the time I actually spent with's not very much. How many opportunities have I missed by letting them play alone while I pick up the house, check my e-mail...whatever. So in attempt to cherish and make the most of my time together with my family, I am only going to open my macbook up 3 times a day. I am done with camp now, so don't really have any urgent e-mails I'll need to get to, so I'll do it morning, noon, and night! (Well, not exactly at noon, but sometime mid-day. lol) I am looking forward to getting into a nice routine with my whole family this next week. I will also leave all the housework for my husband to do...oh wait. that won't work. But how about just spending an hour in the morning if needed picking up, then just "cleaning as I go." (I know, I know Mom, how many times have I heard that from you...I guess you were right.) That way I can really spend some good time with my hubby and my boys and make sure I'm making the most of every moment. I'll keep you updated!