Since he can't nurse, there was no reason for me to get up (and I was exhausted from very little sleep the night before), Andrew was so kind as to be up with him a lot last night. Believe it or not, I went to bed a little after 11 and didn't wake up until 8:30, and for the first time in I don't even know, I woke up on my own, not with a little head staring at me saying, "Sun is up! I go play downstairs!" A few minutes after I woke up the boys were up, but I felt rested, which was so great! Thanks Andrew!
In fact, I felt so rested that I declared today a no tv, no computer, no wii day! We spent the morning playing duplos, trains, and reading books...including Noah's new favorite from Nana, the Napping House. There is a granny in it who he insists calling Grammy. Don't worry Grammy, I think you're much cuter in person ;}
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