Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day...

We had a nice Mother's Day laying low as a family. I woke up with NO kids (they had a slumber party with Nana and Papa so we could have a night out), and breakfast in bed:) We went and picked up the boys and went over to the high school to some of their baseball fields. We had a picnic there and played for a few hours. I got my first sunburn of the season, but of course none of my Puerto Rican boys did! We had lots of running, laughing, and dirt that filled our afternoon. I guess that's how it is when you're a mom to boys!

Love that smile from my happy, busy boy!

Way to keep your eye on the ball, Noah!
Happy, happy, smiles!

Throwing water balloons never gets old:)
What a dad, teaching his son!

I love this progression with the pitch, the hit, and the duck...a line drive!

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