Tuesday, April 6, 2010

19 minutes...

I was reading today in The Primal Blueprint, I'm still in the first few chapters, but I was reading. It was talking about families now versus thousands of years ago...I know, I know. But one thing that really struck me is that the average American family spends 19 minutes a day on average of non-television time together. What makes it even worse, is that actually thinking about if that was us or not...there are many days where that's probably true. Where we are all together in one room, without the tv on, talking, playing, or eating together. Sometimes just getting us all into one place for dinner is a challenge. I feel like we are pretty good about spending time together as a family, but when I actually examined our time together...we need to improve.

One thing I remember from growing up was a family that would walk together every night a lap around the neighborhood. Not really for exercise, but just to have that time together to talk, chat with the neighbors, and be together. We did it last summer, not every night, but we do a lot of family walks. As soon as this wonderful Oregon weather clears up...we're getting outside after dinner every night. Sometimes you need to be intentional about things...this is one of them that's going to take the front burner.

Doing a little more of this:


So what about you? Do you get in your family time? How? Any tips/ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!