Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Pumpkin carving with my boys:)

Monday, October 24, 2011

So much for that...

I forgot my camera on the counter yesterday…we still took a few pictures, but they were just on our iphone & ipad, so they won't be fabulous.

My to-do list is growing long, and the time to do it in is running out! My mother-in-law & Aunt are flying out here soon, so I have a lot I want to do! Most of it is just organizing shelves & closets, but that's a big job! Today I'm going to try and get to every closet & shelf. I work tomorrow & have my last volleyball match of the season, so won't have any time, and then Wednesday I'm sure I'll be getting organized for our trip. Just a few more days!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I have NOT been blogging, and I think that's because I haven't been talking pictures…so that's changing today! We're doing the pumpkin patch, so we'll be taking pictures, then I'll leave the camera out for our adventures this week and I WILL post! Stay tuned...