Jakey is driving me crazy these days! He is such a sweet boy, he really is. But last week we got rid of Jakey's binkie...no big deal, right? By the time our kids are two, the controversial binkie is gone. Well he has been going through withdrawals...big time. Or maybe it's me going through the withdrawals. I loved being able to "plug him up" when he got cranky, tired, or put him to bed at night. I know, isn't that the reason binkie's were invented? No? Shoot. Well that's all gone. So now I hear whining all day long.
"Mama, mama, mama..."
Or maybe it's just that he's almost two. He has an opinion about EVERYTHING! And he makes it known. He also does everything that Noah does, good or bad. He says every word, fakes every fall, and follows every step. My sweet boy used to be a source of pride when people came over and couldn't believe he fell asleep in seconds after being in bed for his naps. Now it's hours! He and Noah just play and play. Even with both of their heads on their pillows, they still find a way to play. Nap time is no longer a break for me...it's a chore.
Or maybe it's that we need to focus on obedience. Noah is getting much better at obeying, and is really enjoyable to have around! He is capable of reasoning and understanding things. He still needs parenting, but some of the training is already done. But since Jakey is around Noah, we treat him very similar to Noah...even though he hasn't had a lot of that training...hmmm...problem there.
So for now, we are dealing with a moody-almost-two-year-old. And I love it. I love my boys, and even though Jakey is driving me crazy right now...I wouldn't trade it for anything. Well, maybe a massage and a night out....
Trying to tackle Daddy...

Jumping off the slide...do you see a theme with jumping?

Looking up at airplanes...
another one!
Chasing after Noah...following in his footsteps...and yes, that is a very full, messy diaper right after we got to the park...nice. The other day after a bath, Jakey went over to the toilet and peed in it...weird. Maybe we should let him walk around naked more? lol
Love that smile...it's an evil smile, he had escaped out of the playground area and knew it;)
-Jakey is sleeping in his big boy bed
-No more binkies
-Noah stays dry for naps/night...which is another story in itself...one day he wanted to wear an old pull-up he found in the closet from when I potty-trained him last year. I said no because he doesn't stay dry at night. He said he would...yeah right I thought, he still leaks out sometimes and we've never talked about staying dry...I've always thought the more water the better, so never limited it at night. Well, he stayed dry ever nap and night since then...crazy! Guess he was ready:)
Those are all big changes for little boys, and I guess a little cranky is ok:)
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